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Lighting the Way

Inspired Beauty


Integration of earthy tones, subtle designs while balancing functionality.

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"Homecoming, the title of this exhibition refers to returning to America after living in Paris, France for thirty-six years.; a coming home to myself and who I truly am.

Allowing myself to express what I want without the impediments of self-imposed art educated rules, by letting go of how things should be and embracing how things are, by accepting who I am rather than who I think I should be and giving value to all that I embody is how I approach the clay, paint and use of imagery expressed in those mediums.

My aim in this exhibition is to dare to reveal this new chapter and way of being with the hope that the viewer may relate to the naked truth of acceptance just as one is."

Integration of earthy tones, subtle designs while balancing functionality.

My experience with her art is elevated by the story that it tells—this is where I find the beauty. Through her pieces, I can feel pain, reflection, reaction, convention and power. I can sense the tensions that often lie between gender, roles, expectations and acceptance. I can feel the push/pull in the contrast that is often displayed in the imagery, the forms and the textures.

For a deeper look into Laetitia’s artwork, you can find more images and inspiration at:

Instagram: @laetitiahohenberg


Integration of earthy tones, subtle designs while balancing functionality.

You know when you meet someone and it feels as if you have known each other for a long
time? I find so much beauty in this experience. Conversations are easy... so easy that they defy our human-made sense of time. It almost feels like you fast forwarded through the years of effort and building that take place in constructing so many of our relationships. This is how I feel about my connection with Laetitia. Laetitia and I met in May of 2023 at Belger Arts Studio in Kansas City; a place that we both found to support our individual endeavors with ceramics. To me, she embodies the term “artist”. She identified as an artist from a very young age and explores many different mediums: movement, paint, pencil/charcoal, watercolor, casein, clay.

After decades of living and creating a family and a life in Paris, France, Laetitia returned to the States to start a new chapter. As one could imagine, this “Homecoming” has been a process and has fueled the work featured in her first solo exhibition States-side.

Her artist statement for the exhibition reads as follows:

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